Tephra chemistry datasets and lake metadata were revised and corrected, according to the reviewer comments on Beckett et al. 2023 (Preprint/discussion)) to improve reusability of the data. We would like to thank the reviewers for the valuable feedback and hope we have covered all requested changes.
The tephra geochemistry dataset updates include:
In this update we added a total of 37 proxy datasets (18 stable isotope records and 19 tephra chemistry records) and further improved the website functionality.
The improvements include:
We are happy to announce that further developments of VARDA are now supported by the PAGES Varve Working Group. The cooperation will include a data stewardship agreement and a joint effort to improve the quality of the database.
Thanks to the efforts of Celia Martin-Puertas et al. 2021 a varve chronology and radiocarbon data from lake Diss Mere (UK) are now available on our platform.
Thanks to the efforts of Alicja Bonk et al. 2020 and Daniela Müller et al. 2020, varve chronologies, varve thickness and radiocarbon data from lake Gosciaz (Poland) are now available on our platform.
Cécile Blanchet has published an article on her personal website that gives a brief description of our ongoing project.
We’re pleased to announce the final release of our article in the data publishing journal Earth System Science Data (ESSD). In this paper, we report in detail on our data mining and compilation strategies, the software design and the provided datasets effective by 26. July 2020.
Thanks to the efforts of Julia Kalanke et al. 2020, varve chronologies, varve thickness and 14C datasets from lake Chatyr Kol (Kyrgyzstan) are now available on our platform.
This version enables open access to the compiled datasets, including varve chronologies, varve thickness records, tephra layers and radiocarbon measurements. More paleoclimate proxies will be integrated in future updates. We will keep you posted about further additions and developments here, on this page.
Application features provided:
Compiled datasets included: